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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Burcin's Blog: Pano Canada!

Hey Guys, I hope you all had a great end to the season. Hopefully you all got in some great spring series races. These can be some of the most fun races of the season! For me, my first spring series was Eastern Cup finals, with a GS at Stowe, Vermont and 2 slaloms at Waterville, New Hampshire. There were suppose to be 2 GS’s but with unpredictable weather and snow conditions they only got one off. Throughout the whole series, the penalties were very low and the fields were very stacked. This meant late bibs and rougher course conditions. In the GS, I started 78th and finished 39th, moving up 39 bibs and cutting my bib in half. I was 3rd for J2’s and 1st for US J2’s. I then drove over to Waterville for the 2 slaloms. The first day I unfortunately DNFed but the second day, from bib 69, I moved up to 33rd, 2nd for J2’s and 1st for US J2’s. I used the experience I gained from these races to move on to a final series in Panorama, British Columbia.

In Panorama, I started with 2 slaloms, then had 2 GS’s, and then ended the season with a Super G. I went into these races with little training due to the lack of snow in the east but overall I skied pretty well. In the first slalom, I had some trouble first run but laid down a good second run to finish 34th, scoring a 57. In the second slalom, I had a great run going but unfortunately I had some trouble and ended with a DNF. The GS races were very similar to the slaloms in terms of results. The first race, I had a much better second run and finished 36, scoring a 59. Just like the slalom, I DNFed the second day. For the final race of the season, I had a great Super G race. I started bib 48 and moved up to 27th, scoring a 58. It was really great to end my season on a positive note.

At the end of the season, I finished with GS and slalom points that were almost identical. My GS points will be 56.69 and my slalom points will be 56.64. I also lowered my Super G points down to 71.36. Besides points, I felt my skiing improved a lot this season and I got some great experience in all kinds of races with different fields, conditions, and locations.

Overall. I had a good year and continued to lower my points all season. Over the summer, I look forward to skiing at two different camps with Killington Mountain School. In late June, we are doing a camp in which the location hasn’t been determined yet. Then, in late July, we are heading to La Parva, Chile for a longer training camp. When I am not skiing, I am going to be in the gym, doing all I can to get my body ready for next season to go as fast as I can. Getting excited for next year already!! Have a great summer!

.)) Kyle Burcin

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