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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Testing out in the great Northwest....

Hey guys! This past Sunday was the USSA Physical Assessment, and we all know how much we love that. There are multiple areas of strength that are tested. One of the tests is the "Pacer" which is running between two given points, increasing speed after each level. You run until you die. The other tests include a very unfair (in my opinion) abdominal strength test, vertical jump, and the horrifying Box Jump. In the Box Jump, you start on top of a roughly 20in high box and jump off the box to the left, landing on the ground. You then jump back onto the box and jump off to the right. You repeat this action for 60 seconds and try to get as many hits on top of the box as you can. This test results in death as well. Well, now that I've explained everything, here were my results!

Ab Strength- Level 4 (There are seven levels, my disproportionate body is at a disadvantage with this test)

Pacer- Level 13

Vertical Jump- 28.5in

Box Jump- 73 (Despite tripping over the box in the beginning of the test!)

I was pretty satisfied with my results and I seem to improve every year. How did you racers do? Goodbye for now!

.)) Stephan Splitstoser

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