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Friday, June 8, 2012

Morse Code: The snow is gone but the rivers are full!

It has been raining non stop for what feels like a week now. Luckily with my new found passion in whitewater kayaking, I don't mind when it rains. Here is a video of me running Lower Cascades Creek, it was a ton of fun!

I recently returned from Mammoth where I was attending a National Development System Camp focusing on GS and Super G. It was a really fun time, TJ Lanning was my group coach and I learned a lot of speed technique from him.

We got a ton of early morning Super G training when the snow was rock hard and we got to go off jumps and through rollers. Then later each morning we got to train a bunch of GS with brush drills in the gates like the wall drill and blue flat line drill. This camp was focused on developing the top of turn with pressure, I felt like I made some big strides with this especially in GS and am super glad I got the opportunity to go to Mammoth.

But now it is kayaking and dry land season! Saw the new SRD suits, they look awesome, can't wait to get one next year!

.)) Sam Morse

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