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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Kyle, Kazui and Sam Report!

Sam Morse and Kazui Kusumi

This past weekend a contingent of the SRD team raced in the Sugarbush FIS Devo GS's. Kyle, Kusumi, and Sam all ripped it up and had some good results.

Kyle lead the pack and Sam Morse had his lowest GS score yet scoring a 68.

The first day was a beautiful sunny day, the second day consisted of a cloudy rain drizzle most of the day. Sam definitely stuck out the most with his awesome bright blue SRD suit.

Kyle the second day continued to do well with a for J2's. Great times were shared on behalf of Kusumi and Morse as they stood and laughed at the bottom of the second run. For Sam had is head in a tight tuck and missed the last gate.

The three of us went to Sugarloaf the following week for some awesome Super-G's. It was Kusumi's and Morse's first FIS Super G's, Kyle had a couple of good days getting into onto the podium for J2's.

This coming week we will be racing Speed Week (DH's) at Sugarloaf, wish us luck!

Below is a Slo-Mo video of Kaz training Slalom.

.)) Kyle, Sam and Kazui!

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