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Saturday, May 30, 2009

DemocraSki.com is online

When Canadian aerialist Ryan Blais was elected to be a FIS Athlete Commission Representative at this year’s Freestyle World Championships in Inawashiro, Japan he took the four-year responsibility to heart. Within three months he has created an online social networking platform called DemocraSki.com. According to Blais, the site aims to become a centralized nucleus for FIS constituents to communicate and stay informed with all matters relating to the sport’s governing body. The site’s slogan? “Power to the People.”

“Our goal is to create an online hub for FIS athletes, coaches, judges, officials and key stakeholders to discuss all things FIS related,” writes Blais in an online “call to action” document. “DemocraSki.com is a private online hub (membership approval required) for all FIS members to discuss issues, share ideas and work on projects together in a transparent manner.”

Blais compares DemocraSki.com to social networking site Facebook, with the exception of its limited access to the public. The site will include community blogs, discussion forums, member profile pages and member inboxes. The site, which will be translated into 40 languages, will also feature a video section via youtube.com, a photo section through Flickr, RSS feeds and share buttons.
Read more at Ski Racing

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