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Monday, December 15, 2008

From Katelyn Barclay.... Panorama!

"Right now, I am at my favorite place in the world, with my favorite people in the world, doing my favorite thing in the world.... SKIING! I just got back from Panorama Canada which had some amazing training. We started out with some sweet slalom training next to the Canadian Development through A team. After about 4 days in a row of some great training, we had a day off which was basically filled with homework and TV (Panorama doesn't have much of a town). Then we got right into some GS training that left us with some battle wounds on our arms. By the 9th day in Panorama we were onto Super G. This is my favorite event and the training was so sweet. I took maximum runs everyday, I just couldn't get myself to stop. The next day was another day off, only this time we didn't sit around all day, we went the World Cup in Lake Louise! My goal was to get Askel Lund Svindal's bib. Believe me, I was screaming to loud to get that bib. It was so worth it though, when he threw his bib right to me! SIGNED! I was so excited, I nearly cried, scratch that, I WAS crying! When we got back to the bus after the race, everyone was so jealous, it was so fun! The next day was all about the Super G which was again, fun as ever. The next few days were filled with race simulation of GS and Slalom. Finally, it was time to go home! YES! Although, skiing in Panorama was sweet, I definitely missed Burke, PLUS, all the winter termers were there! Including one of my best friends Eliza Rolfs. And even more exciting, training hill had opened!

After a long day of traveling, we had about 4 days off. On Saturday, we had our first race!! A slalom at Killington! My first run, I was a little out of control and barely finished ending up 20th. My second run I decided I would just let it all out. I came down just letting it go and finished 6th with combined of 12th. I was really pumped. We got back to Burke and just trained hard core for the next couple of days. However, on Thursday and Friday, training was canceled due to weather which was a huge bummer because we hadn't gotten to train GS in about a week and we had a race the next day. Today we went to Okemo and raced GS. My first run I came down and ended up in third. By my turn the second run, the course was crazy bumpy but I still had super fun, finishing in third and combined to get 2nd. I am really pumped and really excited for the FIS racing to start up next week with Eastern Cups! Good Luck to everybody with your races and have fun!! later gators!"

.)) Katelyn Barclay

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